Laws and regulations on the supervision of the financial system
Bank Act 1956
Under the Bank Act 1956 (prevailing text S.B. 173 of 2010) the Central Bank of Suriname (CBoS) is responsible for the supervision of banks, insurance companies, credit unions, pension funds, money exchange offices and money transfer offices and stock exchange and securities firms.
Read more: Laws and regulations on the supervision of the financial system
Progress in implementing a Deposit Insurance System in Suriname (DIS)
According to the new banking supervision law that has been approved in November 2011, the Central Bank of Suriname (Bank) has the obligation to set up a DIS within five years in consultation with the credit institutions or their representative organization.
Read more: Progress in implementing a Deposit Insurance System in Suriname (DIS)
Creating a Credit Bureau in Suriname
The Central Bank of Suriname, in cooperation with the Banking Association, has prepared draft legislation regarding the establishment of a Credit Bureau. This draft has recently been submitted to the Government to be reviewed. Submission to the Parliament is scheduled for this summer.